Sub-floor minibox for apparatus wires


Sub-floor Minibox for apparatus cables for cable collection
with sub-floor installation for fencing

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  • It is appropriate to place the subfloor mini-box in the center and between two
    pistes so it could be of use for both recording machines. If the cables which go
    out of the minibox and go to the apparatus have a length from 1.5 to 2.5 meters,
    when they are not used, they can be put back in the minibox avoiding to take
    them away. In this way, the minibox becomes more functional and the connectors
    inside it are not necessary. So the costs are decreased and connections reliability
    is increased.
  • Sturdy cover made out in grey PVC.
  • Total dimensions: 20 x 20 x 20cm. Total weight 1.2kg.


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